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Welcome to SteepHound’s documentation!

Steep Hound is a tracker for Steep and Cheap , a website that displays one awesome deal at a time.

Downloading SteepHound

You can get the latest version of steephound from . Unzip the folder using

$ unzip

Alternatively, if you have git installed you can pull the source from github, like so

$ git clone

Installing SteepHound (Not Required)

This step is not really required. However if you would like to permanently place steephound in your system path, you can proceed with this step. .

$ sudo python install

Running SteepHound

If you have installed steephound in step install , running it is fairly easy. Execute the following command from anywhere


Otherwise, you will need to be in the same directory as the downloaded folder and then run

$ python

You need to keep the terminal active in order for the script to run indefinitely. Alternatively you can use nohup and screen in order to keep the program running in the background forever.


See below for description of steephound modules


Contributors:Subhodeep Moitra, Sam Taggart

Indices and tables